

Arcop in traditional dress to mark the event.

From 26 March to 9 April, the National Days of Patriotic Commitment and Citizen Partici- pation were celebrated in Burkina Faso. To mark this event decreed by the Government, ARCOP staff opted for the wearing of traditional attire. As a reminder, the mutual agents of ARCOP (MA-ARCOP) had instituted since January 2022, the port of the mutualist. Since then, every last Friday of the month, ARCOP staff must wear an outfit made of cotton woven in Burkina Faso commonly called «Faso Danfani».

Since January 2022, the mutual insurance company for ARCOP employees (MA-ARCOP) has instituted the wearing of the mutualist’s uniform. Since then, every last Friday of the month, ARCOP staff are required to wear the mutualist’s outfit, made of cotton woven in Burkina Faso, commonly known as “Faso Danfani”.

This Friday, March 29, 2024, the tradition was once again respected, with a more particular and solemn note to mark the national days of patriotic commitment and citizen participation decreed by the Government, to be held from March 26 to April 9, 2024.

The Permanent Secretary, Modeste YAMEOGO, addressing his colleagues on this occasion, encouraged them to follow the recommendations made by the Head of State in his address to the nation on March 26, where he invited every Burkinabè to materialize his patriotic commitment and civic participation through simple acts such as: conscientious performance of daily tasks, fiscal civic-mindedness, respect for the highway code and courtesy in traffic, consumption of local dishes, wearing of traditional clothing (Faso Danfani, Koko dunda), etc.

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