
Ivory Coast – TRAINING

Chu de Treichville’s procurement staff benefit from enhanced skills

From March 6 to 7, some fifteen employees of the Treichville University Hospital Centre (Chu-T), responsible for managing the establishment’s public procurement procedures, received training in the functionalities of the Integrated Management System for Public Procurement Operations (SIGOMAP). The session was delivered by the Directorate General of Public Procurement (DGMP).

On March 6 and 7, 2024, the Directorate General of Public Procurement (DGMP) was invited to reinforce the capacities of fifteen (15) actors from the Treichville University Hospital Centre (CHU-T), in charge of managing the establishment’s public procurement procedures, on the functionalities of the System for Public Procurement Operations (SIGOMAP). The training took place at the Treichville health center.

The DGMP delegation, led by Mr BROU Yao Paul, Director of Training, Communication and Quality, was received by the General Manager of CHU-T, Mr YAO Étienne. He thanked the Director General of Public Procurement, Mr. YOUL Sansan François, for the DGMP’s constant readiness to support all those involved in public procurement, with a view to helping them fully master the SIGOMAP application.

In return, Mr BROU Yao Paul, on behalf of the Director General of Public Procurement, congratulated and encouraged the Director General and the administration of CHU-T for their efforts to make SIGOMAP their own.

The training session, led by Mr ASSANDÉ Bernard, Deputy Director of Order Preparation, and Mr GNALI Pierre Éric, Project Manager at the DGMP, covered the following six (06) modules:

  • Module 1: Presentation of the SIGOMAP application;
  • Module 2: Case studies in processing the Procurement Plan (PPM) and operations in SIGOMAP;
  • Module 3: Practical examples of how to draw up tender documents (Competitive bidding documents – DAC) and send them to the DGMP for review.
  • Module 4: COJO workflows in SIGOMAP;
  • Module 5: Practical cases of contractualization in SIGOMAP.

This training session, which took place over two (2) days, enabled CHU-T’s procurement staff to enhance their skills in the use of the dematerialized public procurement management application. At the end of the seminar, participants expressed their satisfaction with the quality of the training received and reiterated their thanks to the DGMP.

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