

Another step forward in the fight against corruption

Given the financial stakes involved, the public procurement sector can be a source of corruption. A scourge that must be banished to maintain the integrity and transparency of public procurement. With this in mind, the Public Procurement Regulatory Authority and the Independent Anti-Corruption Bureau initiated a series of discussions on the issue. The meeting held on 14 May 2024 was part of this process. Its aim was to share ARMP’s workings and experiences with BIANCO staff, while answering their questions and providing essential

On Tuesday 14 May 2024, a significant meeting was held in the large meeting room of the Ministry of the Economy and Finance in Anosy between the Public Procurement Regulatory Authority (ARMP) and  the Independent Anti-Corruption Bureau (BIANCO). The aim of the meeting, which was marked by an atmosphere of cooperation and transparency, was to share ARMP’s operations and experiences with BIANCO’s staff, while answering their questions for essential clarifications and details. The meeting was also attended by the Director of Internal Audit from the Ministry of the Economy and Finance, underlining the importance attached to this initiative.

Sharing experiences and methodologies

During the meeting, ARMP officials gave a detailed presentation of their procedures for regulating and monitoring public procurement: They explained the various mechanisms put in place to guarantee the transparency and integrity of the procurement process, including the professionalization of those involved in public procurement, regular audits, the publication of notices, and the use of electronic platforms for invitations to tender.

BIANCO staff took the opportunity to ask specific questions about various aspects of ARMP’s operations. They were particularly interested in the methods used to detect and deal with cases of
fraud or collusion, as well as the preventive measures adopted to minimize the risk of corruption. These discussions helped to clarify key points and strengthen mutual understanding of the roles and responsibilities of each institution in the fight against corruption.

The benefits of this collaboration

The meeting highlighted a number of important benefits for the fight against corruption in public procurement:

Strengthening Transparency: By sharing its methods and experiences, ARMP has demonstrated its commitment to transparency. This openness helps to build a culture of accountability and trust within public institutions and with the public.

Improved investigative capabilities: BIANCO officers have acquired a better understanding of the public procurement regulatory process, which will enable them to conduct more effective and targeted investigations. In-depth knowledge of ARMP’s control systems will facilitate the identification and prosecution of acts of corruption.

Synergy and cooperation: The meeting strengthened collaboration between ARMP and BIANCO, laying solid foundations for future joint initiatives. Close cooperation between these two institutions is crucial for an integrated and coherent approach in the fight against corruption.

Education and awareness-raising: The dissemination of best practices and lessons learned by ARMP through meetings of this type helps to educate and raise awareness among other public and private sector players. Better knowledge of the mechanisms for regulating and preventing corruption is essential to encourage ethical and responsible behaviour.

In short, this exchange meeting between ARMP and BIANCO is a concrete example of how the institutions can work together to strengthen the mechanisms for fighting corruption.