Publications par Amadou Lamine


Burkina Faso – SUSTAINABLE PUBLIC PROCUREMENT The national sustainable procurement strategy is being disseminated.

Burkina Faso’s Public Procurement Regulatory Authority (Arcop) has drawn up a national sustainable procurement strategy, together with an action plan and implementation tools. This was made possible thanks to funding from the World Bank’s Economic Governance and Citizen Participation Project (PGEPC). On 1 April 2022 in Ouagadougou, a workshop to disseminate this strategy was organized […]


SUSTAINABLE PUBLIC PROCUREMENT : Senegal’s public administration prepares for the changeover.

At the opening ceremony of a training seminar on sustainable public procurement, held in Senegal from 22 to 26 April, the Director General of Arcop Sénégal said that the Senegalese public administration had already begun the transition to sustainable public procurement. According to Mr Saër Niang, the new Public Procurement Code considers sustainable public procurement […]


Training public procurement actors in sustainable public procurement: Senegal and the World Bank aim to Senegal and the World Bank want to “stimulate prosperity on a liveable planet”.

Yesterday, Tuesday 23 April 2024, in Dakar, the World Bank and Senegal’s Public Procurement Regulatory Authority (Arcop) launched a week-long training course on Sustainable Public Procurement (SPP) for those involved in public procurement. In his speech, Mr Saër Niang indicated that this training, designed for the benefit of experienced managers in public procurement and representatives […]


Exclusion of young people, women and the disabled from public contracts : What mechanisms should be used to give preference to vulnerable groups?

Saër Niang, Director General of the French Public Procurement Regulatory Authority (Arcop), said yesterday that young people, women and people with disabilities are generally excluded from public procurement contracts. According to him, the challenge today is to find mechanisms that grant preferences and favours to these categories, so as to be able to include them […]


SUSTAINABLE PUBLIC PROCUREMENT : The Director General of ARCOP Senegal lists the advantages of APD.

It is in the interests of African countries to incorporate “sustainability” into their procurement processes – a strategic concept aimed at integrating economic, social and environmental considerations into the public procurement cycle. And they would be well advised to do so, according to Saër Niang, Director of Arcop Sénégal. According to Mr Niang, PPAs offer […]


SUSTAINABLE PUBLIC PROCUREMENT : Senegal takes the lead on Sustainable Public Procurement

While the concept of Sustainable Public Procurement (SPP) is relatively new and not yet firmly established in many African countries, this is far from being the case in Senegal. In addition to the introduction of social and environmental clauses in public procurement documents, Senegal has developed a prioritization guide for the inclusion of sustainability criteria. […]


Senegal : SUSTAINABLE PUBLIC PROCUREMENT Africa’s move towards green public procurement

A new approach is emerging in global procurement: sustainable public procurement, which takes account of social, economic and environmental aspects. Africa must not be left behind. Hence the training given to experienced public procurement managers from West and Central Africa in Dakar from 22 to 26 April. According to the World Bank, which organized the […]


SUSTAINABLE PUBLIC PROCUREMENT Why Senegal is focusing on sustainable public procurement.

For some time now, Senegal has been placing the emphasis on sustainable public procurement. According to Saër Seck, Director of Arcop Sénégal, the reason for this approach is that sustainable public procurement takes sustainable development, with economic, social and environmental considerations, into account. The new Public Procurement Code considers sustainable public procurement to be an […]


SUSTAINABLE PUBLIC PROCUREMENT : Equipping public procurement professionals from West and Central Africa

The concept of sustainable public procurement extends selection criteria to include environmental, social and economic aspects. Integrating these principles into public procurement processes has become a priority, as demonstrated by the initiative to train public procurement specialists in these practices. Today, with the concept of sustainable public procurement, selection criteria go beyond simply seeking the […]