

Handicraft businesses learn from ANRMP

The issue of capacity building for players in the private sector is very close to ANRMP’s heart. It is in this context that the training given to craft companies was organized, to raise their awareness of the methodology for drawing up tenders. Organized from March 26 to 27, the workshop was based on the theme: “The bidding process and bid preparation methodology”. The aim of the training session was to introduce craft businesses to the stages involved in submitting tenders, and the methodology for drawing up technical and financial bids.

On March 26 and 27, 2024, the National Public Procurement Regulatory Authority (ANRMP) organized a capacity-building workshop for craft businesses at its training center on the theme: “Tender submission process and methodology offer preparation”.

This training session, which aimed to introduce craft companies to the stages involved in submitting tenders and the methodology for drawing up technical and financial bids, was chaired by Mr. N’ZI Moro Nicaise Alexandre, Vice-Chairman of the ANRMP Regulatory Council. Also present were: Mr SOUMAHORO Kouity, Deputy Secretary General of ANRMP, in charge of Policy Definition and Training, and Mr BAMBA Mory, Director General of the Chambre Nationale des Métiers de Côte d’Ivoire (CNMCI).

In his speech, the General Manager of CNMCI thanked ANRMP for holding the workshop, which was in line with his institution’s mission to promote the development and competitiveness of artisans and craft businesses. He also pointed out that this session would enable participants to familiarize themselves with the new provisions of the Public Procurement Code, with a view to facilitating their participation in invitations to tender.

Taking the floor, the Vice-Chairman of ANRMP’s Regulatory Council noted that in view of the opportunities linked to the needs of the administration and the incentives offered by Ordinance no. 2019-679 of July 24, 2019 on the Public Procurement Code to SMEs and craft businesses in the area of public procurement, it was important for the regulatory body to organize a capacity-building workshop for craftsmen before inviting them to follow the topics covered with great interest.

During these two (2) days of training, the participants were briefed on the missions of the regulatory body, the measures of the Public Procurement Code in favor of SMEs and craft enterprises, the advantages of simplified competitive procedures, as well as the simplified standard consultation files.

At the end of their training session, the representatives of craft businesses expressed their satisfac- tion with the information they had received, and thanked ANRMP for this initiative, which will enable them to seize opportunities in the field of public procurement.

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