

Regulation of public procurement a priority for the new Prime Minister

Guinea’s Prime Minister and the ARMP share a desire to regulate public procurement. This wish was expressed when the new head of the Guinean government granted an audience to an ARMP delegation on March 20. The meeting was part of a series of exchanges between Prime Minister Amadou Oury Bah and public officials in strategic positions. The aim was to enable the Head of Government to make contact with this institution, whose main role is to regulate the system for awarding public contracts and public-private partnerships in the Republic of Guinea.

As part of his efforts to promote sound governance, Prime Minister Amadou Oury Bah has begun a series of meetings with public officials occupying strategic positions. On Wednesday March 20, 2024, he received a delegation from the Public Procurement Regulatory Authority (ARMP), led by its Director General Lamine Minos Camara, at the Primature headquarters.

The aim was to enable the Head of Government to make contact with this institution, whose main role is to regulate the system for awarding public contracts and public-private partnerships in the Republic of Guinea. General Manager Mr. Lamine Minos Camara and his team took the opportunity to welcome the appointment of Mr. Bah Oury and to present the stakes involved in public procurement.

“We are delighted with the warm welcome extended to us by the Prime Minister, alongside my colleagues”, said the Managing Director.

For his part, the Prime Minister, who followed the exchanges with great attention, strongly encouraged ARMP to continue its work towards greater transparency and fairness in public tendering procedures. He asked the institution to report back to him on any difficulties encountered, in order to find appropriate solutions and turn this Independent Administrative Authority (AAI) into a genuine regulatory structure.

With this in mind, a training session for Primature staff on national public procurement rules and procedures is being prepared. At the same time, a technical note detailing the regulatory framework and challenges will be sent to the Prime Minister.

This meeting comes at a time when the authorities are showing a firm determination to see greater transparency in the awarding of public contracts, an area which falls within the ARMP’s prerogatives through the auditing of public contracts, and for which it says it has emerged strengthened in its determination to play its regulatory role to the full.

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