How to Verify the Authenticity of Digital Regulatory Fee Payment Certificates

TOGO – Verify the Authenticity of Digital Regulatory Fee Payment Certificates
The process of implementing digital management for regulatory fee payment certificates in Togo is taking shape. On Tuesday, July 30, 2024, the Public Procurement Regulatory Authority (ARCOP) held an online informational meeting for contracting authorities (CAs). The purpose was to outline the procedure for detecting fraudulent regulatory fee payment certificates using the specially developed application named “PASSE-TOGO.”
To submit their bids for tenders, economic operators must include the regulatory fee payment certificate to demonstrate compliance with ARCOP. This fee represents 1% of the total contract amount excluding taxes, as per current regulations.
Previously issued physically, this certificate required an average of 72 hours to process. In its commitment to improving public procurement management in Togo, ARCOP has initiated the digitalization of its services, including the issuance of this certificate. The processing is now done automatically online, with certificates generated in PDF format within a maximum of one day.
To assist contracting authorities in distinguishing between valid and fraudulent certificates, ARCOP has introduced the PASSE-TOGO application, available online and through a mobile app on the Google Play Store and the App Store.
Certificate Verification Process
Verification of the certificate is done online by entering the certificate’s reference number or via the mobile app by scanning the QR code at the bottom of the certificate. If the certificate is invalid, the contracting authority will receive an error message.
Information to Verify on the Certificate
To ensure the authenticity of the certificate, verify at least the following information :
– The certificate reference number
– The name of the submitting company
– The procedure for which the certificate was issued
This innovation by ARCOP is part of the broader modernization and capacity-building program for public service delivery in Togo (PMADS). This performance-oriented program also includes the digitalization of public procurement procedures, a project to which ARCOP is actively committed.
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