Archive d’étiquettes pour : e-procurement

ARMP Guinée : Visite de la Banque Mondiale, Évaluation MAPS et professionnalisation des marchés publics au cœur des discussions
L’Autorité de Régulation des Marchés Publics (ARMP) de Guinée a reçu le 23 septembre 2024, une délégation de la Banque mondiale pour une réunion dédiée à plusieurs enjeux, notamment l'avancement de l'évaluation MAPS (Methodology…

Le Malawi est en train de subir une transformation significative de son système d'approvisionnement public grâce à une initiative nationale de numérisation. Soutenu par le ‘’ Program-for-Results (PforR) ’’ de la Banque Mondiale…

La Dématérialisation de la commande publique : Initiatives Clés et Événements Récents | NEWSLETTER 009

Total Dematerialization: Civil Society as a Key New Partner in Change Management
Senegal has identified the digitalization of public procurement as a fundamental pillar for accelerating the transition of its economy towards an information society. This initiative also aims to achieve the government’s goal of modernizing…

The Public Procurement Regulatory Authority (ARMP) Officially Launches Training Series for Presidential Services
The Public Procurement Regulatory Authority (ARMP) officially launched a series of training sessions on Monday, July 22, 2024, aimed at the services affiliated with the Presidency of the Republic. This initiative, focused on national rules…

Professionalization of Public Procurement/ Mrs. Poulmery Ba Niang Presents the Experiences of Senegal
On September 23, 2021, the member countries of the sub-regional networks of West and North Africa Public Procurement were in the spotlight during the knowledge and Experiences sharing session organized by the Technical Secretariat of the African Public Procurement…

Professionalization of Public Procurement and Capacity Building/ Mrs. Joyeuse UWINGENEYE Presents Rwanda’s Experiences
Rwanda represented by Mrs. UWINGENEYE Joyeuse actively took part in the session of knowledge and experience sharing organized by the Technical Secretariat of the African Public Procurement Network (APPN) on July 28, 2021 on the theme "The Professionalization…

Tunisia/Online Public Procurement System (TUNEPS)
The High Authority of Public Procurement (HAPP) of Tunisia, took an active part in the session of knowledge and experience sharing on the theme "e-GP: Current Status, Opportunities and Challenges", organized by the Technical Secretariat of the…

Ms. Blandine Wu Chebili presents her experiences on Electronic Procurement
The Technical Secretariat of the African Public Procurement Network (APPN) organized on June 30, 2021, the fourth session of knowledge and experience sharing on the theme "Electronic Public Procurement: current state, opportunities and challenges".…