
Morocco: 64 billions dirhams worth of public contracts expected in 2024.

Pour 2024, il est attendu 64 milliards de dirhams de marchés publics dans les BTP au Maroc. Soit une augmentation de 56 % d’investissements dans le secteur par rapport à 2023. Des informations livrées par le ministre marocain de l’Équipement et de l’Eau, Nizar Baraka, jeudi 29 février, à Rabat. Il intervenait lors d’une journée d’information sur les programmes prévisionnels des marchés de BTP en 2024.

This increase in investment in the construction and public works sector is due to the implementation of structural programs, including the general reconstruction and rehabilitation program for the areas affected by the Al Haouz earthquake, which will benefit from the reconstruction and rehabilitation of their infrastructure, as well as an ambitious development program involving structural projects worth MAD120 billion, to be implemented over a period of five years.

In addition, Maric will be hosting large-scale events such as the 2025 African Cup of Nations and the 2030 FIFA World Cup. These international events will require investment in the construction and public works sector.

At the meeting, the Minister emphasised the support measures needed to organize and structure the building and public works sector, in order to create a strong ecosystem that will serve Morocco’s technical sovereignty. Among the measures to support the sector, the Minister mentioned the classification and qualification of building and public works companies, enabling the creation of a unified system for the entire administration, the improvement of the public procurement framework (unit price reference system and overhaul of the price revision system), the aim of which is to guarantee the final quality of the works, and also the total dematerialization of procedures before the end of 2024.

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