
Cape verde: ARAP innovates

The Cape Verde Public Procurement Regulatory Authority (Arap) has trained its employees in stress management using neuro-linguistic programming (NLP) in organisations. The aim of the training was to raise awareness of the aspects of neuro-linguistic programming that offer tools to help understand what lies behind productivity at work and the balance between personal and professional life,

From 20 to 24 November 2023 and from 8 to 10 January 2024, as part of the Annual Training Plan for the institution’s staff, a training session on Stress Management with Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) in Organisations took place, given by trainer Edna Barbosa-NLP and Mindfulness Specialist.

The aim of this training course was to raise awareness of the aspects of neuro-linguistic programming, which provides us with tools to help us understand what lies behind productivity at work and the balance between personal and professional life, i.e. the way in which we manage stress levels, the way in which we manage our brain states and, above all, whether we are more or less aware of the patterns that operate automatically in our unconscious mind.

Understand physical, cognitive and emotional processes; develop self-awareness of emotions and manage emotional states; understand the importance of positive communication within the team and adopt an assertive attitude; develop flexible and creative response mechanisms to the challenges of carrying out duties; identify the signs of stress and burnout at work; develop attitudes and skills to prevent, manage appropriately and avoid stress.

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