

Public procurement at the heart of a panel discussion

How do you optimize your chances of winning public tenders? This was the focus of a panel discussion at the International Transport, Logistics and Handling Exhibition held in Madagascar from April 11 to 14. On Friday April 12, the Director General of the Autorité de Régulation des Marchés Publics (ARMP) gave a brilliant presentation on various crucial aspects of public procurement, providing valuable insights for the participants, who included professionals, students and public officials.

From April 11 to 14, 2024, the International Transport, Logistics and Handling Exhibition was held in Madagascar. At the heart of this event, on Friday April 12, 2024, an essential workshop entitled “Optimizing your chances in responding to public tenders” brought together a motivated audience made up of professionals and students, not forgetting public officials.
Among the eminent speakers was the Director General of the Autorité de Régulation des Marchés Publics (ARMP). Her speech, rich in lessons learned, was one of the highlights of the workshop. Madame DG ARMP brilliantly addressed various crucial aspects of public procurement, providing valuable insights for participants.

She began with a reminder of the importance of public procurement in the current economic climate, highlighting the many benefits for those who participate. Proactively, she shared sound advice on how to maximize your chances of success when tendering. These included strategies for accessing tender information, as well as the rights and responsibilities of bidders. Particular emphasis was also placed on ethics in public procurement, highlighting the crucial importance of integrity and transparency in every stage of the process. This ethical dimension was illustrated by concrete examples, highlighting the need to act with probity in all interactions linked to public procurement.

In addition to the valuable contribution of Madame DG ARMP, other renowned speakers enriched the workshop. The President of the Commission Nationale des Marchés and an executive from AGETIPA added a further dimension to the diversity of the discussions. Together, these contributions laid the foundations for an in-depth and constructive reflection on best practices in the field of public procurement. The ultimate aim was to encourage wider and more diversified participation in calls for tender, while promoting sustainable public procurement that respects the environment.

Overall, the workshop was a resounding success, offering participants valuable opportunities for learning and exchange. It also helped strengthen commitment to best practice in public procurement, laying the foundations for a more transparent and equitable economy in Madagascar.