Professionnalisation de la commande publique / expériences de la Zambie

Le 10 novembre 2021, les pays membres du réseau sous-régional de la commande publique de l’Afrique australe étaient à l’honneur lors de la session de partage d’expériences et de connaissances  organisée par le Secrétariat Technique…

Professionnalisation de la commande publique/ M. Craig O’Flaherty révèle ses expériences

Le Secrétariat technique du Réseau Africain de la Commande publique (RACOP) poursuit les séries de sessions de partager d'expériences et de connaissance sur le thème « Professionnalisation de la commande publique et le renforcement des…

Professionalization of Public Procurement: the Case of Tunisia

The Technical Secretariat of the African Public Procurement (APPN) organized on September 23, 2021, a session for knowledge and experience sharing on “Professionalization of Public Procurement and Capacity Building”. The member countries…

The Experiences of Mr. Larbi Bennouna in Public Porcurement Professionalization

Mr. Larbi Bennouna, the CEO of SETYM International was invited to make a presentation on the theme « Professionalization of Public Procurement and Capacity Building” during the knowledge and Experience Sharing Session organized by the Technical…
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Zimbabwe’s Experiences in Professionalizing Public Procurement

Public Procurement Regulatory Authority of Zimbabwe participated on Wednesday November in the Knowledge and Experience Sharing Session on the theme "Professionalization of Public Procurement and Capacity Building" organized by the Technical…

Professionalization of Public Procurement and Capacity Building/Mauritius Experience

During the Knowledge and Experience Sharing Session on the theme “Professionalization of Public Procurement and Capacity Building” for the Southern Africa Sub-regional Public Procurement Network on November 10, 2021, Mr. B. Dabeesing, Member…

Ghana on the Road to Professionalization of Public Procurement and Capacity Building

The Public Procurement Authority of Ghana actively took part in the experience and knowledge sharing session on "Professionalization of Public Procurement and Capacity Building" organized by the Technical Secretariat of the African Public Procurement…

Professionalization of Public Procurement/ the Experiences of Zambia

On November 10, 2021, the member countries of the sub-regional network of Southern Africa Public Procurement were in the spotlight during the knowledge and experiences sharing session organized by the Technical Secretariat of the African Public…

Professionalization of Public Procurement/ Mr. Craig O’Flaherty Reveals His Experiences

The Technical Secretariat of the African Network of Public Procurement (APPN) continues the series of sessions to share experiences and knowledge on the theme "Professionalization of Public Procurement and Capacity Building" After the sessions…
La professionnalisation de la commande publique et le renforcement des capacités/ le réseau de l’Afrique australe partage ses expériences le 10 novembre 2021 Le mercredi 10 novembre 2021 à midi GMT sera le tour du réseau sous régional…