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Implementing Open and Sustainable Public Procurement Webinar & Toolkit Launch

Governments will have to purchase things in a fundamentally different way to make the trillions of dollars of investment in sustainable development count.

It will mean introducing open and sustainable procurement practices. To buy more sustainably, procurement officials will have to start calculating CO2 emissions associated with contracts, think about labor rights across supply chains, or consider how to support inclusive and equal local economic growth.

Our new toolkit on Open and Sustainable Public Procurement provides practical insights and resources for day-to-day needs of governments at different levels and stages of their implementation journey. It builds on emerging best practices and expertise from over 30 experts on how to get started, what to keep in mind at each stage, and dedicated worked examples for reducing carbon emissions, costing life-cycles, and more.

Join us, thematic experts, and country practitioners for the launch of our new toolkit on Tuesday, 14 June, 03:00 PM London/10:00 AM Washington, D.C.

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