
SUSTAINABLE PUBLIC PROCUREMENT : Senegal takes the lead on Sustainable Public Procurement

While the concept of Sustainable Public Procurement (SPP) is relatively new and not yet firmly established in many African countries, this is far from being the case in Senegal. In addition to the introduction of social and environmental clauses…

Senegal : SUSTAINABLE PUBLIC PROCUREMENT Africa’s move towards green public procurement

A new approach is emerging in global procurement: sustainable public procurement, which takes account of social, economic and environmental aspects. Africa must not be left behind. Hence the training given to experienced public procurement managers…

SUSTAINABLE PUBLIC PROCUREMENT Why Senegal is focusing on sustainable public procurement.

For some time now, Senegal has been placing the emphasis on sustainable public procurement. According to Saër Seck, Director of Arcop Sénégal, the reason for this approach is that sustainable public procurement takes sustainable development,…

SUSTAINABLE PUBLIC PROCUREMENT : Equipping public procurement professionals from West and Central Africa

The concept of sustainable public procurement extends selection criteria to include environmental, social and economic aspects. Integrating these principles into public procurement processes has become a priority, as demonstrated by the initiative…

Senegal : SUSTAINABLE PUBLIC PROCUREMENT The World Bank distils the concept in Africa.

The World Bank, in association with Senegal’s Public Procurement Regulatory Authority (ARCOP), has organized a week of training in sustainable public procurement in Dakar for senior public procurement officials from French-speaking countries…

Ivory Coast – TRAINING

Chu de Treichville’s procurement staff benefit from enhanced skills From March 6 to 7, some fifteen employees of the Treichville University Hospital Centre (Chu-T), responsible for managing the establishment’s public procurement procedures,…


Finalist students received by ARMP On March 15, the Autorité de Régulation des Marchés Publics (ARMP) received finalist students from the Saint Michel School Complex for an internship. This internship is part of the school calendar, which…

Mauritania – AWARENESS

The Public Procurement Information System (e-procurement) explained to stakeholders. On March 12, the Ministry of Finance organized a day of awareness-raising and information on the e-procurement project, aimed at players and stakeholders in…


The two countries sign a memorandum of understanding Beninese and Ghanaian roaming charges are set to fall significantly. The regulatory authorities of Benin and Ghana signed a memorandum of understanding to this effect in Cotonou on March…


Encouraging their use The Minister of State in the Office of the President, George Simbachawene, has urged civil servants to use the government’s information and communication technology (ICT) systems, which are designed to improve the efficiency…