
Angola/New Law for Simplicity in the Public Procurement System

On January 21 this year, the General Directorate of the Angola public procurement regulatory body published a data sheet related to the public procurement simplification law.  And it’s the law 41/20 of December 23, 2020.

This new law in force on January 22, 2021 has come to repeal the one of 9/16 on June 2016. It will be applied to all the procedures in public procurement after its promulgation date and to further contracts’ implementation. It will namely bring in the evolvement in accordance with the aim that is to simplify the Angola public procurement system and make it more flexible.

What is it then that will change in the public procurement in Angola?

The act 41/20 of December 23, 2020 will expand its objective scope to the elements as follows: administrative concession contracts, including concessions for public works, public services and the use of public properties, and contracts’ formation, which implementation is possible thanks to private and public partnership. It will also take into account contracts by state enterprises and public enterprises receiving grants or any operations carried out with state funds.

Another innovation of the law is that it introduces two new procedures such as dynamic electronic procedures and urgent procurement procedures.

The values of public procurement contracts have been updated by the new law. Now restrictive adjudications will concern contracts that are less worth or equal to one hundred and eighty-two million Kwanza (Kwanza/the official currency of Angola); the simplified procurements will concern contracts that are worth eighteen million Kwanza; and the dynamic electronic procedures are for any other contracts.

There is another important thing to bear in mind. The new law revokes the provisionary warranty and measures are only taken for final warranty. In the case of concession contracts, it is necessary to proceed by open tender or by a limited tender via prior qualification. It also provides a sub-phase of electronic auctions in open, restrictive and simplified tenders.

Read the details :
