Publications par RACOP

Introduction to the Presentation of Ms. Rim ZEHRI at the june 6, 2024

Controller General of Public Procurement, President of the National Observatory of Public Procurement, Ms. Rim ZEHRI took part in the June 6, 2024 Session organized by the Technical Secretariat of the African Public Procurement Network at 1 p.m. GMT on “SUSTAINABLE PROCUREMENT PRACTICES – EXPLORATION OF SUSTAINABILITY INTEGRATION STRATEGIES IN PROCUREMENT PROCESSES WITH A FOCUS […]


Introduction to the Presentation of Ms. Rana Rizkallah at the june 6, 2024 session

Expert in public procurement with over 30 years of multidisciplinary professional experience, specializing in governance, state reforms, public procurement, public finance management and business development in the Middle East and North Africa region, Ms. Rana Rizkallah has many strings to her bow, including coordinating the Initiative for Sustainable Government Procurement in Lebanon from 2010 to […]

Introduction to the Presentation of Mr. Farid Yaker at the june 6; 2024 session

Essential to achieving Rwanda’s Sustainable Development Goals, national policies and international commitments, Sustainable Public Procurement (SPP) promotes sustainable growth by stimulating markets for sustainable products and services, and encouraging innovation and investment in green technologies. As a result, Rwanda has created a National Working Group on SPP as a multi-stakeholder platform that includes representatives from […]


Introduction to the Presentation of Mr. Djiri DOUCOURE at the june 6, 2024 session

At the June 6, 2024 session organized by the Technical Secretariat of the APPN (African Public Porcurement Network), Mr. Djiri DOUCOURE, Head of the Statistics, Documentation and Information Department at the Public Procurement and Service Delegation Regulatory Authority of Mali, gave a brilliant presentation on “SUSTAINABLE PROCUREMENT PRACTICES – EXPLORATION OF SUSTAINABILITY INTEGRATION STRATEGIES IN […]

Introduction to the Presentation of Mr. Benson TURAMYE

While sustainable is the development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs” (by The Sustainable Procurement Institute 2011-2021), Sustainable Public Procurement (SPP) is a process by which public entities seek to achieve the appropriate balance between procuring goods, works and services that provide […]

Introduction to the Presentation of Mr. Aliyu E. ALIYU

On July 18, 2024 at 1 p.m. GMT, the Technical Secretariat of the African Public Procurement Network (APPN) organized a session for the English Speaking Member Countries on “Sustainable Procurement Practices – Exploring Strategies for integrating Sustainability into Procurement Processes, focusing on Environmental and Social Impacts”. Mr. Aliyu E. Aliyu, Procurement Officer at the Bureau […]

Introduction to the Presentation of Mr. Bhagwansing Dabeesing,

Mr. Bhagwansing Dabeesing, Procurement Policy Officer Member gave a wonderful presentation during the session for the English Speaking Member Countries of the African Public Procurement Network by the Technical Secretariat of the said network. It is was n July 18, 2024 at 1 p.m. GMT on “Sustainable Procurement Practices – Exploring Strategies for integrating Sustainability […]

Introduction to the Presentation of Mr. Alastair MERRILL

The Technical Secretariat of the African Public Procurement Network (APPN) organized on July 18, 2024 at 1 p.m. GMT a session on “Sustainable Procurement Practices – Exploring Strategies for integrating Sustainability into Procurement Processes, focusing on Environmental and Social Impacts” and had the honor to count among the presenters, the Keynote Speaker, Mr. Alastair MERRILL, […]

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Sustainable Procurement Practices – Exploring Strategies for integrating Sustainability into Procurement Processes, focusing on Environmental and Social Impacts.

Date: July 18, 2024 Time: 1 p.m. GMT Opening remarks  APPN Chair: Ms. Joyeuse UWINGENEYE (5 minutes) and/or APPN Technical Secretary: Mr. Aftar Touré MOROU (5 minutes) Facilitator of the session: Ms. Tumelo MOTSUMI-   (5 minutes) Keynote speech (30-40 minutes) Alastair Merrill: Managing Director of Merrill Solutions Ltd, post-nominals are FCIPS, FRSA. Country Case Presentations (15-20 […]


Présentation de Mme Rana Rizkallah

Experte en marchés publics avec plus de 30 ans d’expérience professionnelle multidisciplinaire, spécialisée dans la gouvernance, les réformes de l’État, les marchés publics, la gestion des finances publiques et le développement des entreprises dans la région du Moyen-Orient et de l’Afrique du Nord, Mme Rana Rizkallah a plusieurs cordes à son arc et a notamment […]