Publications par Amadou Lamine


Senegal : SUSTAINABLE PUBLIC PROCUREMENT The World Bank distils the concept in Africa.

The World Bank, in association with Senegal’s Public Procurement Regulatory Authority (ARCOP), has organized a week of training in sustainable public procurement in Dakar for senior public procurement officials from French-speaking countries in West and Central Africa. They are senior public procurement officials from Mali, Cameroon, the Democratic Republic of Congo, Chad, Benin, Burkina Faso, […]


Ivory Coast – TRAINING

Chu de Treichville’s procurement staff benefit from enhanced skills From March 6 to 7, some fifteen employees of the Treichville University Hospital Centre (Chu-T), responsible for managing the establishment’s public procurement procedures, received training in the functionalities of the Integrated Management System for Public Procurement Operations (SIGOMAP). The session was delivered by the Directorate General […]



Finalist students received by ARMP On March 15, the Autorité de Régulation des Marchés Publics (ARMP) received finalist students from the Saint Michel School Complex for an internship. This internship is part of the school calendar, which makes internships compulsory for finalists in the Commercial and Management section, in accordance with the OHADA system. For […]


Mauritania – AWARENESS

The Public Procurement Information System (e-procurement) explained to stakeholders. On March 12, the Ministry of Finance organized a day of awareness-raising and information on the e-procurement project, aimed at players and stakeholders in the national public procure- ment system and focusing on the Public Procurement Information System (e-procurement). The opening ceremony, held at the Diplomatic […]



Encouraging their use The Minister of State in the Office of the President, George Simbachawene, has urged civil servants to use the government’s information and communication technology (ICT) systems, which are designed to improve the efficiency of wananchi service, TPJ reported. The call comes as some civil servants are still reluctant to comply with the […]



Civil society at NeST school Members of Tanzanian civil society have been sensitized to Tanzania’s national e-procurement system (NeST), to equip them with knowledge of the features that facilitate their role in overseeing public procurement activities. The initiative is supported by the Public Procurement Regulatory Authority (PPRA). NeST is a locally designed and built system. […]



Regulation of public procurement a priority for the new Prime Minister Guinea’s Prime Minister and the ARMP share a desire to regulate public procurement. This wish was expressed when the new head of the Guinean government granted an audience to an ARMP delegation on March 20. The meeting was part of a series of exchanges […]



The Public Procurement Regulatory Authority and the Public-Private Partnership Advisory and Coordination Unit lead the reflection process. The public procurement sector in the Democratic Republic of Congo needs to be revitalized. Aware of this challenge, the Autorité de régulation des marchés publics (Armp) and the Public- Private Partnership Coordination Unit have decided to work together […]



Handicraft businesses learn from ANRMP The issue of capacity building for players in the private sector is very close to ANRMP’s heart. It is in this context that the training given to craft companies was organized, to raise their awareness of the methodology for drawing up tenders. Organized from March 26 to 27, the workshop […]