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Capacity Building at APPN: The First Two Knowledge and Experience Sharing Sessions on September 22nd and September 23rd 2020

Capacity Building at APPN: The First Two Knowledge and Experience Sharing Sessions on September 22nd and September 23rd 2020

The APPN (African Public Procurement Network) second General Assembly is postponed to next year by October in Eswatini. But the APPN will busy itself with a series of activities, namely knowledge and experience sharing sessions that the Technical Secretariat is organizing in collaboration with its Chairman and the Executive Committee. These series of sessions are one of the decisions made in accordance with the Regional Action Plan of the network during the Executive Committee online meeting on September 2nd, 2020. They will start from September 2020 to March 2021.

The first two sessions start on September 22nd, 2020 with East Africa and September 23rd, 2020 with West Africa; and the common flagship theme for all is; “Procurement in emergencies – COVID 19 – country experiences”. 

All the APPN member countries belonging to the five sub-regional networks will partake in the various sessions and each of the sessions will be presided by the country elected at the 2018 Conference in Lomé as part of the Executive Committee and sub-regional Coordinator of the Network.