Introduction to the Presentation of Mr. Bhagwansing Dabeesing,

Mr. Bhagwansing Dabeesing, Procurement Policy Officer Member gave a wonderful presentation during the session for the English Speaking Member Countries of the African Public Procurement Network by the Technical Secretariat of the said network. It is was n July 18, 2024 at 1 p.m. GMT on “Sustainable Procurement Practices – Exploring Strategies for integrating Sustainability into Procurement Processes, focusing on Environmental and Social Impacts”. Mr. Bhagwansing Dabeesing gave the definition of sustainable procurement practices and emphasized on the three strategies to consider when implementing sustainable procurement practices, such as “Inclusion of sustainability criteria in requirement definitions”, “Use of whole life costing (life-cycle costs) in financial evaluations” and “Incorporation of sustainability aspects in contracts terms”.

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