

The African Development Bank (ADB) grants financing

The Republic of Mozambique has received funding from the African Development Bank to cover the cost of the Multinational Project for Recovery and Resilience after Cyclones Idai and Kenneth (PCIREP) and intends to allocate part of the amount to carry out a procurement audit.

The overall objective of the current project is to re-establish sustainable livelihoods and economic activities for the populations affected by tropical cyclones Idai and Kenneth. To this end, the project aims first and foremost to provide farmers with the inputs and tools they need to prepare for the agricultural season in order to avoid a long-term food crisis in the affected areas, where agriculture is the main source of income, restoring the most important infrastructure networks for electricity distribution and road links in order to strengthen regional integration by rehabilitating the transport system linking the port of Beira to Zimbabwe and Malawi, and repairing and modernizing the electricity transmission network and other energy-related infrastructure serving the Southern African Power Pool.

By strengthening the early warning systems and weather forecasting capacity of the relevant institutions in Mozambique, the project will create a regional public good that will benefit the climate
disaster management system throughout the region. The executing agency is the Ministry of Public Works, Housing and Water Resources (MoPWHWR) and the implementing agency is the Post
Cyclone Idai Reconstruction Cabinet (PCIRC). However, a specific audit will be carried out for procurement processes using the borrower’s procurement system for the years 2021, 2022 and 2023.
The procurement audit services provided include (i) verifying the compliance and performance of procurement procedures, which were carried out using the Borrower’s Procurement System (BPS); (ii) verifying the physical and technical compliance of deliveries against the disbursement rate; and (iii) reviewing the EA’s (Executing Agency) procurement capacity to fulfil its fiduciary mandate.

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