

Finalist students received by ARMP

On March 15, the Autorité de Régulation des Marchés Publics (ARMP) received finalist students from the Saint Michel School Complex for an internship. This internship is part of the school calendar, which makes internships compulsory for finalists in the Commercial and Management section, in accordance with the OHADA system. For three weeks, the finalists from Saint Michel School Complex reconciled the theory they had learned with the practicalities of a professional.

For three weeks, the finalists from Saint Michel School Complex combined theory with practical experience in a professional environment.

As part of the course, they were given a general overview of ARMP, information on the awarding and regulation of public contracts, the organization and operation of the Administrative and Financial Department, bookkeeping and financial management in accordance with the OHADA accounting system, the concept of collecting public procurement fees, and the documentation and archiving of public procurement data.

At the end of the course, the ARMP Director General a.i. gave an overview of the subjects covered, to ensure that the next generation was well prepared. The course ended with a family photo, and a meal was served to future Public Administration execu- tives.

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