
Time for Strategic Action Plan Assessment at ANRMP for the New Year

The Secretariat General of the National Public Procurement Regulatory Authority (ANRMP) organized in collaboration with the Regulation Counsel, a five-day seminar to evaluate its Action Plan 2019-2920 from Monday December 14, 2020 to Friday December 18, 2020 at Grand Bassam.

Two years after its execution, what stock to take? It is to find an answer to that that the leaders of this institute met. They essentially assessed the implementation of the actions programmed in the annual work plan of the departments of ANRMP; it was also to identify the difficulties encountered so to address them before the end of the 2021 strategic plan.

During that seminar, the staff of ANRMP was equipped with values and vision of the authority. Besides the seminar, the personnel benefitted from a capacity building session on organizational models.

In fact, the seminar was full of two other activities such as team building and a gala dinner in order to reinforce cohesion between the members of that family which ANRMP constitutes.

Through the seminar, the leaders have aimed at making of ANRMP, a strong institution with modern procedures and human resources well equipped to treat efficiently all the questions related to public procurement and regulation. Specifically, Mr. Oumar OUATTARA, the Secretary General of ANRMP said that the seminar helped to evaluate the implementation of the engagements taken during the last seminar while appreciating the progress made. Solutions to actions difficult to put in place were found with adequate measures to overcome the imperfections hindering realization.