Introduction to the Presentation of Mr. Farid Yaker at the june 6; 2024 session

Essential to achieving Rwanda’s Sustainable Development Goals, national policies and international commitments, Sustainable Public Procurement (SPP) promotes sustainable growth by stimulating markets for sustainable products and services, and encouraging innovation and investment in green technologies. As a result, Rwanda has created a National Working Group on SPP as a multi-stakeholder platform that includes representatives from government, the private sector, civil society and academia, and provides, among other things, strategic advice and stakeholder buy-in.

Click on this link to find out more about this presentation by Mr. Farid Yaker. Farid Yaker Expert in sustainable public procurement speaking at the online knowledge and experience sharing session organized by the APPN (African Public Procurement Network) Technical Secretariat this June 6, 2024 at 1 pm GMT on the theme “SUSTAINABLE PROCUREMENT PRACTICES – EXPLORING STRATEGIES FOR INTEGRATING SUSTAINABILITY IN PROCUREMENT PROCESSES WITH A FOCUS ON ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL IMPACTS“.

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