
The Public Procurement Regulatory Authority (ARMP) Officially Launches Training Series for Presidential Services


The Public Procurement Regulatory Authority (ARMP) Provides Training for Presidential Services

The Public Procurement Regulatory Authority (ARMP) officially launched a series of training sessions on Monday, July 22, 2024, aimed at the services affiliated with the Presidency of the Republic. This initiative, focused on national rules and procedures for public procurement and public-private partnerships, continues the capacity-building efforts initiated for a previous group.

 The opening ceremony was attended by two members of the Regulatory Council. Mr. Tierno Fodé Sow, Director of Training and Technical Support, represented the ARMP Director General, Mr. Lamine Minos Camara.

In his opening speech, Mr. Sow emphasized the importance of this training for making the public procurement ecosystem “a model of good governance.” He affirmed that the ARMP, in collaboration with the DGCMP, is committed to modernizing and optimizing this ecosystem “for the benefit of the population.”

Mr. Moussa Sangaré, a member of the ARMP Regulatory Council, expressed his satisfaction with the initiative: “We are proud to train the staff of the Presidency. We hope they will become exemplary in public procurement.” He highlighted the importance of exemplary management at this level, which could positively influence all other departments.

Mr. Nouhoun Diallo, a public procurement expert and lead trainer for this session, outlined the training content, which will cover procurement processes, procurement control, and public procurement regulation, including dispute resolution.

This training aligns with ARMP’s goal of enhancing the skills of key public procurement actors, thereby contributing to improved governance and the economic and social development of the country.

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