
Presentation of Mr. Alastair Merrill

Mr. Alastair Merill has over 35 years’ experience working in a wide range of public sector, international, diplomatic and operational settings, providing a unique perspective on business transformation and strategy development. He takes part…

Presentation of Mr. Farid Yaker

He is a Senior Sustainable Public Procurement Expert, Mr. Farid Yaker and the African Public Procuement Network (APPN) has the honor to have him make a presentation during its Third General Assembly (TGA) as a speaker. His presentation is on…

Introduction to the Presentation of Mr. Khalid Bin Anjum

The Technical Secretariat of the African Public Procurement Network (APPN) organized a webinar for all the member countries of the network online by Zoom. It was on July 27, 2023 and Mr. Khalid Bin Anjum, a Senior Procurement Specialist with…

Introduction to the Presentation of Ms. Galiya Ismakova

On July 27, 2023 the Technical Secretariat organized the outstanding webinar that gathered all the member countries of the African Public Procurement Network (APPN) at 10:30 a.m. GMT online by Zoom. Among the Trainers, Ms. Galiya Ismakova, Principal…

Introduction to the Presentation of Mr. Srinivasa Raghavan K

The Technical Secretariat organized a webinar that gathered all the member countries all the African Public Procurement Network (APPN) online by Zoom. Three languages (French-English and Portuguese) were involved with interpreting services.…

Présentation de M. Edwin Muhumuza

Le 25 mai 2023 à midi GMT, le Secrétariat Technique a organisé un webinaire, le premier du genre pour avoir rassemblé tous les pays membres parlant l’anglais, le Français et le portugais. Au cours de ce webinaire, M. Edwin Muhumuza, le…

Introduction to the presentation of Mr. Farid Yaker on May 4, 2023

On May 4, 2023 at 8 a.m. GMT, the Technical Secretariat organized a webinar for French-speaking member countries of the African Public Procurement Network (APPN), mobilizing 201 participants around the theme of "Sustainable Public Procurement/Green…

May 4, 2023 Webinar Minutes

Minutes APPN Webinar Page : 1 Were present,: 1.      Benin 2.      Burkina Faso 3.      Burundi 4.      Cameroon 5.      Congo 6.      Comoros 7.      Côte d’Ivoire 8.      Gabon 9.     …

Compte-rendu du webinaire en ligne le 4 mai 2023

Compte-rendu Le webinaire du RACOP Page : 1 Etaient présents, messieurs: 1.      Le Bénin 2.      Burkina Faso 3.      Burundi 4.      Cameroun 5.      Congo 6.      (Union des) Comores 7.     …

Introduction à la présentation de M. Farid Yaker le 4 mai 2023

Le 4 mai 2023 à 8 heures GMT, le Secrétariat Technique a organisé un webinaire pour les pays membres francophones du Réseau Africain de la Commande Publique (RACOP) et a mobilisé 201 participants autour du thème « Commande publique durable/…