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African Public Procurement and COVID-19: Shared Experiences by Countries

COVID-19 brings along a world crisis and Africa is not spared. Though it’s a sanitary crisis, coronavirus touches considerably all the aspects of life, especially economics and public procurement. To evaluate and have a clear picture of the impacts, the Technical Secretariat of the APPN (African Public Procurement Network), housed by Togo, organized in collaboration with the Chairman of the network thanks to the financial and technical supports of the World Bank, a series of knowledge and experience sharing sessions by videoconference for countries to express themselves on the issue.

On the topic “Public Procurement in emergencies-COVID-19: country experiences”, the first two sessions were held respectively on September 22 and September 23 for East Africa and West Africa. And during the sessions, the representatives of countries such as Eswatini, Kenya and Egypt for East Africa and Mali, Senegal, Niger and Côte d’Ivoire for West Africa had some brief presentations on the topic (find below the different presentations).

Mr. Peter TREPTE, a legal advisor and consultant in the law and practice of public procurement and public procurement reform and Mrs. Laurence FOLLIOT, professor of public law, co-director of economic law of Master2, director of university degree (U.D) of international public procurement, were the keynote speakers correspondingly on September 22 and September 23.
In total, fifty-eight participants partook in the series of sessions with twenty-four (24) from East Africa and thirty-four (34) from West Africa and they held rich debates right after the presentations for better understanding.

Presentation of Laurence FOLLIOT LALLIOT (Speaker)

Présentation of Saer Niang , Chair of PPRA of Sénégal

Presentation of Yacouba Coulibaly , Chair of  ANRMP of Ivory Coast

Presentation of YACOUBA SOUMANA, Director of Regulation and legal Affairs of PPRA of Niger