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APPI, a Dreamed Solution to Public Procurement in Africa

The public procurement regulatory authority of Togo (PPRAT/ARMP), in the frame of its mission, especially to promote efficiency in the management of public procurement through capacity building of the actors in the domain, is creating in Togo a public procurement training center named APPI (African Public Procurement Institute).

Very ambitious from its inception, APPI (a public training center) wants to be the reference nationwide and worldwide to help communities as a true development vector to upgrade skills for efficient management of procurement processes. APPI will be launched very soon for the happiness of all the actors nationally and internationally.

An initiative of PPRAT, this institute will enable the promotion of effective economic performance focused on good management of public procurement; it will empower the flourishing of skills as far as public procurement’s management is concerned and prepare executives in their administrative and management tasks at higher levels pertaining to public procurement, its control and regulation. It will give continuous training, host graduate educational programs and develop certification paths in various domains relating to public procurement.

APPI challenges itself to be the dreamed solution to public procurement issues and enhance contributions to the renewal of competences, the constitution of a solid core of dynamic executives that African public procurement needs for its emerging transformation.