Publications par Amadou Lamine


Guinea: Military executives trained in national public procurement procedures.

The Public Procurement Regulatory Authority (PPRA) in Guinea has provided a five-day training course on national public procurement procedures for senior military staff, from 6 to 10 February 2024. This initiative is part of the implementation of the directives issued by President Mamady Doumbouya, who is keen to ensure that transparency prevails in the management […]


Senegal: Opportunities for women

As in many sectors, women are left out in the cold because the system is more flexible towards men. Public procurement is no exception. It is virtually a male monopoly. And yet, in Senegal, major innovations have been introduced into the legal and institutional arsenal of public procurement (MP and PPP) that are favourable to […]


Burundi : Strengthening the skills and knowledge of civil servants is a priority

Efficient and transparent public procurement requires qualified staff who understand the issues involved. Burundi seems to have understood this. During Public Procurement Week (12-17 February), the Director General of the Public Procurement Regulatory Authority (ARMP) stressed that his country is doing everything in its power to offer the staff concerned the opportunity to learn and […]


Democratic Republic of Congo: The Democratic Republic of Congo and Congo Brazzaville seal a partnership.

As neighbouring countries whose capitals, Kinshasa and Brazzaville, are separated by only a river, the Democratic Republic of Congo and Congo Brazzaville share the same concerns in terms of public procurement. The countries’ public procurement regulatory authorities have therefore decided to join forces. This was the purpose of the visit to Kinshasa on Friday 2 […]


Malawi : The defence and security forces de dlearn about public contracts

Ensuring national security while respecting transparency. This is the meaning of the training session offered to the Malawi Defence Forces in February 2024 by the Public Procurement and Asset Disposal Authority. The training sessions aimed to equip members of the IPDC with the knowledge and skills to manage procurement and disposal issues within Malawi’s legal […]


Rwanda : Rwanda takes over APPN presidency from Côte d’Ivoire

Rwanda takes over APPN presidency from Côte d’Ivoire Kigali, 07/03/24, at the Ministry of Finance and Economic Planning, the Executive Committee of the African Public Procurement Network (APPN) passed the baton from Côte d’Ivoire to Rwanda, which assumes the presidency of the Network this year 2024. Ms Joyeuse UWINGENEYE, Director General of the Rwanda Public […]


Democratic Republic of Congo: Completion of in-depth training on national of Public Procurement at COBIL S.A.

On Friday 02 February 2024, the Director General a.i of the Public Procurement Regulatory Authority « PPRA «, Mr. Benoit KALIKAT KALEMBE and the Managing Director of COBIL sa Mr. Placide MUTABUNGA RUGINA proceeded to the closing of the in-depth training on the national procedures of public procurement, training given for the benefit of the […]