Publications par RACOP

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Côte d’Ivoire/ Outreaching Missions and Activities of the National Public Procurement Regulatory Body through AIP

The National Public Procurement Regulatory Body (ANRMP) and the Ivorian Press Agency (AIP) signed a partnership contract on Friday, February 12, 2021 during a ceremony at the headquarters of AIP. Both bodies’ officials, namely Mr. Oumar Ouattara, the Secretary General of ANRMP and Mrs. Oumou Sana, the Central Director of AIP, signed the said documents […]

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Guinea/ Myriame Naila Conté from the African Development Bank to the Ministry of Public Procurement

In a decree published officially on Monday March 1st, 2021, the President of the Republic of Guinea, His Excellency, Mr. Alpha Condé appointed Mrs. Myriame Naila Conté, Minister in charge of public procurement. Mrs. Myriame Naila Conté was formerly in the staff of the African Development Bank and well-known as expert in monitoring and evaluation […]

e-GP/ The Experiences of Kenya

In the frame of the knowledge and experience sharing sessions organized by the Technical Secretariat, the Kenya public procurement regulatory body represented by Mr. Lawrence Kanyinyi, made a presentation on the theme: “Electronic Government Procurement-Current Status, Opportunities and Challenges”. And it was during the session of the East Africa Sub-regional network on March 11, 2021. […]

Presentation by Mr. Mohammed Shoheler Rahman on the Electronic Public Procurement

The APPN Technical Secretariat started on 11 March 2021, new series of knowledge and experiences sharing sessions on the theme: ”Electronic Government Procurement-Current Statuts, Opportunities and Challenges”. The first session covered the East African subregional Network. To this end, Mr Mohamed Shoheler Rahman Chowdhury was invited to give a presentation on the theme chosen for […]

The Experiences of Ethiopia Regarding e-GP

Ethiopia was duly represented by Ms. Gloria Ngoma during the knowledge and experience sharing session on March 11, 2021 on the theme “Electronic Government Procurement-Current Status, Opportunities and Challenges”. Download the presentation here, please.  

e-GP/ Richard MIGAMBI Exposes the Experiences of Rwanda

On Thursday, March 11, 2021, the East Africa Sub-regional Public Procurement Network was in the spotlight for the knowledge and experience session by the APPN Technical Secretariat, starting as from October 2020. The member countries in such a sub-regional network shared their experiences regarding the theme “Electronic Government Procurement-Current Status, Opportunities and Challenges”. To this […]


Le Secrétariat Technique du RACOP ouvre de nouvelles sessions de partage d’expériences et de connaissance

Après la première série de sessions de partage d’expériences et de connaissance sur le thème « la commande publique face aux urgences de la COVID-19 : les expériences des pays », bouclées sur une note de satisfaction, le Secrétariat Technique du Réseau Africain de la Commande Publique (RACOP), ouvre une nouvelle page de partage d’expériences […]

Genre et égalité dans les marchés publics

Dans le cadre de la journée internationale de la femme, le groupe de la Banque mondiale organise une journée d’échange le jeudi 11 mars 2021 à 10 heure GMT sur le thème ” Genre et égalité dans les marchés publics”. D’éminents experts discuteront des bonnes pratiques et des leçons apprises ainsi que des initiatives innovantes […]

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Gender and Equality in Public Procurement

As part of International Women’s Day, the World Bank Group is organizing an exchange day on Thursday, 11 March 2021, at 10 AM, on the theme “Gender and Equality in Public Procurement”. Prominent experts will discuss good practices and lessons learned and innovative initiatives to integrate gender issues into public procurement. This event will have simultaneous […]

Guinée/Myriame Naila Conté nommée ministre chargée du suivi des passations de marchés

Dans un décret publié officiellement le lundi 1er mars 2021, le Président de la République de Guinée son Excellence Monsieur Alpha Condé a nommé Mme Myriame Naila Conté, ministre chargée du suivi des passations de marchés publics. Mme Myriame Naila Conté précédemment fonctionnaire à la Banque Africaine de Développement (BAD), est une cadre expérimentée et […]