
The Togo Public Procurement Regulatory Authority Signs a Partnership with CESAG

The Togo Public Procurement Regulatory Authority (ARMP) signs on Thursday December 10, 2020 a collaboration convention with the center called CESAG, an African center of higher education in management. The documents officializing the framework agreement between both bodies are signed by Mr. Aftar Touré MOROU, the Acting Managing Director of ARMP and Mr. Balibié Serge Auguste Bayala, the Managing Director of CESAG in the presence of Mr. Badanam Patoki, the Secretary General of the Ministry of economics and finances.

The objective of this agreement is to guarantee certificate and graduate training to the managerial staff of ARMP in that center based in Senegal and benefit from support missions.

One of the missions of ARMP is to offer capacity building to public procurement actors. Therefore, it partners with Université de Lomé and the national management school to update the knowledge of its staff and actors intervening in the frame of public procurement. As a result, ARMP has already trained, with the collaboration of DNCMP (the national directorate of public procurement control), actors from public administration, private sector and civil society in order to better consolidate public procurement system in Togo.

Taking the floor, Mr. Aftar Touré MOROU said that the only way to overcome challenges imposed by new stakes in public procurement is for his institution to call for other expertise. It’s the reason why they are partnering with CASEG. “Togo, in its constant search of efficiency in public action, is proud of this coaching opportunity in a domain very particular like the one of public procurement”, said Mr. Aftar Touré MOROU.

Mr. Badanam Patoki, declared during the ceremony that the partnership between ARMP and CESAG shows the strong will of the Togolese authorities to innovate in the training of public procurement actors. The framework agreement with CESAG participates in the constant search to equip the staff with operative capacities.

Mr. Balibié Serge Auguste Bayala, the Managing Director of CESAG, which is a public international institution and specialized in training, research, consultancy, recalled that as of its inception, his institution is designed as an architect to materialize integration through the building on human capacity by putting at the disposal of States, human resources qualified and ready to serve development. CESAG is headquartered in Dakar and is a legal entity financially and administratively autonomous.