
Benin/ Farewell to Mr. Binoussè Koffi Eric MAOUIGNON at the Benin ARMP Presidency

The Benin Public Procurement Regulatory Authority (ARMP) has now a new President named Mr. Séraphin AGBAHOUNGBATA. He replaces Mr. Binoussè Koffi Eric MAOUIGNON

The handover ceremony took place on May 21, 2021 in the ARMP conference hall between the outgoing and the incoming Presidents. That solemn act occurred right after the oath taking of the new members of the public procurement regulatory Council the same day at the Court of Appeal of Cotonou.

In his speech, the ARMP Permanent Secretary, Mr. Alfred HODONOU, congratulated the incoming President for his brilliant nomination before paying tribute to the outgoing President, Mr. Binoussè koffi Eric MAOUIGNON.
Mr. Binoussè koffi Eric MAOUIGNON also seized the opportunity to congratulate his successor for his nomination at the head of the Public Procurement Regulatory Body when he took the floor during the ceremony.

That ceremony was also an occasion to take stock of activities undertaken by the outgoing team before talking of challenges among which the vulgarization of the new law on public procurement Code, the purchase of an estate for the ARMP headquarters, the amelioration of the Council members and the Permanent Secretariat’s work conditions; challenges concern training continuity for the actors of the system, the finalization of e-GP and the assessment of the public procurement system by MAPS methodology as well.

The new President in his address thanked the Head of State for the trust in him at the ARMP Presidency. He promised to work on the most urgent projects together with the new members of the Council and the personnel of the Permanent Secretariat. And he insisted on more effort making to achieve great results for the economic growth of Benin. He also promised to do his part to ameliorate business environment in Benin and improve work conditions of consultants and the ARMP personnel. All these promises have only one target, which is to position Benin ARMP at the center of initiatives and put it at the level of great modern legal institutions in the sub-region.