
Burkina-Faso/ Findings After the Audit of the 128 Procuring Authorities

The Public Procurement Regulatory Authority rendered the findings of the independent audit on public procurement of the fiscal year 2018 and 2019 during a workshop on May 17, 2021 in Ouagadougou. The workshop gathered all the audited procuring authorities and all the various monitoring structures in order to validate the interim summary report of the independent audit which aim is to reinforce transparency and effectiveness of the public procurement management system in Burkina Faso.

The opening ceremony was presided over by Dr. Tahirou SANOU, the Permanent Secretary of the PPRA, before great personalities around such as Dr. Luc Marius IBRIGA, State Controller General and Mrs. Jacqueline LOMPO, Inspector General of finance.

Auditing public procurement is one of the major monitoring instruments that the regulatory authority uses to assess activities undertaken. And it’s in this vein that they conducted an independent audit of the fiscal year 2018 and 2019.
From the viewpoints of Dr. Tahirou SANOU, the Permanent Secretary of the PPRA, the audit conducted by the Beninese group of firms SYNEX/CMC (the winners of the international tender for the audit) is to appreciate the implementation of the latest reforms of the public procurement system as of February 2017. It has then helped to check the procurement process and its execution during the aforementioned fiscal years. As for him, the audit will help evaluate the degree of compliance with the measures and procedures enacted by the legal texts into force as far as public procurement is concerned in Burkina Faso.

The workshop was a platform gathering participants to examine findings and recommendations from the interim summary report of the consultant and propose amendments for its improvement. As recommendations by SYNEX/CMC, inter alia, you have these: sensitize procuring authorities to systematically send their reports lately by March 31 to the structure in charge of public procurement monitoring against a discharge for publication; propose to the procuring authorities a sample of registry coded and signed for the registration of tenders regardless of the procedures and precise through a memorandum all the record keeping and conservation rules to respect for transparency and regularity of the procedures.

SYNEX/CMC also proposed to see to it for the future that members who have come to the end of their mandate are programmed no more so as to avoid penalty for the decisions rendered in the presence of those ones will be considered illegal. Besides that, they recommended to thoroughly investigate the total tenders by the various procuring entities concerned in order to identify the possible cases of malpractices in public procurement and take the appropriate measures to sanction the perpetrators.