
The Managing Director of ARMP Togo Paying a Courtesy Visit to the UNDP Resident Representative in Togo

The Managing Director of the Public Procurement Regulatory Authority of Togo, Mr. Aftar Touré MOROU, paid a courtesy visit to Mr. Aliou Mamadou Dia, the Resident Representative of United Nations Development Program in Togo on wednesday 6th, 2021.

Talks were about common interest topics, especially on women and youth socio-professional insertion in Togo. They also talked about the possibilities of the UNDP to help Togo Public Procurement Regulatory Authority in its various missions of regulating public procurement system.

Mr. Aftar MOROU seized the opportunity to wish the UNDP Resident Representative his best wishes for the New Year.

It should be recorded that the UNDP helped significantly the regulatory authority in its beginning already through the implementation of a service center that enabled the training of thousands of actors in public procurement between 2012 and 2016.