
Benin/ Court Actors at the Public Procurement School

The Benin Public Procurement Regulatory Authority organized on July 15, 2021 a two-day training workshop for Benin court actors on the new public procurement procedures.

For two days, court officers and their accounting officers were trained on the innovations of the law n°2020-26 of September 29, 2020 on public procurement code and quotation request procedures. It was basically to build on the capacity of the court actors and their accounting officers regarding public procurement realities and help them better grasp the outlines of the texts ruling public procurement.

To start with, Mr. LAWANI, the administrative and financial Director of the Ministry of Justice and Legislation insisted on the necessity of such training aiming at stimulating and speeding court actors’ public procurement management system

According to Mrs. Carmen Sinani Oredola GABA, the Vice-president of the PPRA, the initiative by the Ministry of Justice to get its officers trained is laudable and demonstrates the interest in a healthy management of public procurement, which is a potential source of fraud and corruption maneuvers resulting in the lack of sufficient knowledge of the texts governing public procurement in Benin.

Mr. Gilbert Ulrich TOGBONON, the Deputy Director of the department of the Ministry of Justice and Legislation, mentioned that the various reforms which had occurred as of 2016 in the public procurement chain invite to updating the knowledge and aptitude of the players involved in order to ensure quality management services.

Modules of the training touched the legal and institutional framework of public procurement, the principal innovations and stakes of the law n°2020-26 of September 29, 2020 on public procurement code, the quotation request procedures namely information and quotation requests, the technical preparation of quotation request dossiers and dispute management in public procurement.