
Côte d’Ivoire/ Design Offices and Civil Engineering Experts Learning about Public Procurement

The National Public Procurement Regulatory Agency (ANRMP) organized from August 2nd to 3rd, 2021 a capacity building session for the design offices and civil engineering experts, members of the Côte d’Ivoire national chamber of consulting engineers and experts in civil engineering (CHANIE) on the theme: “Functional Approach and Development Tools of a Financial and Technical Offer for Consulting Firms”

Seventy participants from design offices and experts took part in the training that helped to tackle themes on strategies related only to design offices and civil engineering experts for them to upgrade the level and harmonize their knowledge on new public procurement reforms adopted by the State in the 2019 public procurement code.

To Mr. Pénagnaba Y. COULIBALY, the President of ANRMP, the training session given by seasoned trainers of ANRMP has drawn like that the prospect of future collaboration with firms that are members of CHANIE. “The State of Côte d’Ivoire envisages to support the private sector as to empower the population in getting the fruits of growth in the frame of the governmental program called “Côte d’Ivoire solidaire”, said Mr. Pénagnaba Y. COULIBALY