
The Second Round of the Certification of the Contracting Chain Managers

The Public Procurement Regulatory Authority (ARMP) launched on August 30, 2021 at Relais de la Caisse nationale de sécurité sociale in Lomé, the second phase of the training workshop for the certification of managers intervening in the management of public procurement.

The workshop is embedded in the framework of the public procurement function professionalization by the Public Procurement Regulatory Authority (ARMP) with the financial support of the World Bank and the European Union through the program called PAGE, which is the economic management support program.

The purpose of the training was to certify workers intervening in public procurement, its control and regulation and contributing to the strengthening of the public procurement system. And this session ended up on September 3, 2021 and gave certifications to participants in the module on “Public Procurement Control and Audit”. There will be another batch, the last one, from September 13 to 24, 2021 on “Public Procurement Regulation”.

It should be noted that the process for the professionalization of public procurement function provides for the establishment of a body of public procurement specialists within all contracting authorities as to boost public procurement celerity and foster better procurement for the benefit of the populations.