
Public Administration Actors Getting to Master Anti-corruption Tools

Thirty actors of public procurement from the National Authority of public procurement regulation (ANRMP), the public procurement Directorate (DGMP) and the public procurement Cell (CPMP) of some ministries benefitted early the month of June, from the training for capacity building on tools to detect corruption. It was in the framework of the implementation of the third component (strengthening anti-corruption device) of the project aiming at strengthening regulation institutions of Côte d’Ivoire (PACC).

The aim of the training was to equip public procurement actors with the necessary tools to fight against corruption and means to detect potential frauds and corruptions.

To Mr. Pénagnaba Y. COULIBALY, the President of ANRMP, public procurement is seen as a sector vulnerable to corruption issues and where considerable risk factors are at several levels because of the complexity of procedures. And to him, the training was to help auditors to detect potential cases of corruption which are shortcuts by companies to have public contracts or favor given by certain contracting authorities vis-à-vis some bidders.

PACC was launched officially on August 1st 2020 and will support the State of Côte d’Ivoire in the amelioration of the effectiveness of budget control for a greater accountability transparency. It is financed by European Union and is implemented by the French agency for international technical expertise named Expertise France for three years.