Publications par Amadou Lamine


République Démocratique du Congo – Partenariat

L’Armp et la Caisse nationale de sécurité sociale se donnent la main Le 21 février 2024, l’Autorité de régulation des marchés publics (ARMP) et la Caisse nationale de sécurité sociale (CNSS) ont signé un protocole d’accord. A travers ce partenariat, l’idée est de garantir une pension de retraite au personnel de l’ARMP. Conformément au Code […]


Ouganda : Système éléctronique de passation des marchés publics

Le gouvernement s’engage au déploiement de l’e-GP L’ Ouganda ambition de numériser le processus de passation des marchés publics dans le pays. Appelé e-GP, il amis en place un système intégré conçu pour numeriser le processus d’approvisionnement et d’élimination des déchets dans les ministères, départements et agences du gouvernement. Le gouvernemenet s’est engagé à son […]


Malawi : What the results show

PPDA’s five-year Strategic Plan is drawing to a close. And a new roadmap should take over for the period April 2024-March 2029. But before looking ahead, the PPDA Secretariat presented the Board of Directors with the results of the strategic plan. The conclusions presented by the consultant, Mr. Chalamba, provided valuable insights into the strategic […]


Cape verde: ARAP innovates

The Cape Verde Public Procurement Regulatory Authority (Arap) has trained its employees in stress management using neuro-linguistic programming (NLP) in organisations. The aim of the training was to raise awareness of the aspects of neuro-linguistic programming that offer tools to help understand what lies behind productivity at work and the balance between personal and professional […]


Ivory Coast: The ANRMP organises a workshop to validate the teaching model

More than thirty experts met in Grand-Bassam on 28 and 29 February 2024, at the initiative of the National Public Procurement Regulatory Authority (NPPRA), to validate the syllabus of the Professional master’s in public Procurement. The creation of this master’s degree stems from the National Strategy for Capacity Building (NSCB) for those involved in public […]


Togo: First PPM review of 2024 held on 16 February

Togo, the headquarters of the African Public Procurement Network (RACOP), held its first review of public procurement contracts (PPM) for the year 2024 on 16 February. This was an initiative of the Public Procurement Regulatory Authority (ARCOP), in collaboration with the National Public Procurement Control Department (DNCCP). Among other things, the exercise provided an opportunity […]


Burundi : Experts urge investment in human capital

Burundi’s Public Procurement Week has come to life. For six days, from 12 to 17 February 2024, in Bujumbura, the Burundian capital, almost one hundred and fifty people made up of delegates from the public and private sectors, professional organizations and representatives of state institutions from the continent and experts from other parts of the […]